
Since year 2002, the software training in specialized products was the first business of m/s MANDAR SANT handled single handedly by Mr Mandar Sant in addition to his other businesses in Software Manufacturing and Trading and consulting. The company started developing its own products in year 2008 The software hand of the company was further extended to Development and Testing in 2010 and going in excellent manner. The company is manufacturing its own Products. Sale of the same is outsourced.

Many of the close contacts were demanding a right guidance for Liasoning with Govt Offices to avail various incentive packages by state and central Govt. Initially Mr Mandar was helping the friends using his wide knowledge in the Electricity Law and various laws related to Industries. Later this was started professionally to take up the TurnKey contracts as per the growing demand of outsourcing in the market. The business hand of Govt. Liasoning Services was started professionally in the year 2003 by m/s MANDAR SANT.

Most of the incentive packages given by Govt are given through Deptt of Industries and Deptt of Energy. A both the deptt.s are involved and interlinked for availing the benefits of Package Scheme of Incentive, the company started liasoning with Deptt of Industries as well.

This concept for Recruitment Services vertical of MANDAR SANT was started unknowingly, as the founder Director Mr Mandar was helping many of his friends, consultants, companies for finding right person while his earlier consulting of some Software in CAD like VisMockUp and others, in good faith.

As suggested by many business colleagues this hand of Recruitment Services was stated in June 2004 in the Services organization of MANDAR SANT. We are providing End to End Recruitment services to our customers.

The natural attraction of Social Media Hangout of the current generation has made our company to land here naturally. Being a computer Engineer by qualification, and being more social by nature, Mr Mandar was spending more Quality time of Social Media, which in turn had given him the knowledge and insight about Social Media Marketing with Populating and Promoting BRANDS .

The Natural Demand of connected customers has resonated the Liking to turn into Successful Business.

The natural attraction of Social Media Hangout of the current generation has made our company to land here naturally. Being a computer Engineer by qualification, and being more social by nature, Mr Mandar was spending more Quality time of Social Media, which in turn had given him the knowledge and insight about Social Media Marketing with Populating and Promoting BRANDS .

The Natural Demand of connected customers has resonated the Liking to turn into Successful Business.

Being Longtime associated with financial institutions, this business was strategically started up with a vision to serve MSME sector which is growing at fastest rate in the country. Our Team is a well managed panel of professionals like Chartered Accountants , Company Secretaries retd Bank Managers to give a better solution to the Fund Needing Customers.

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